Wednesday, August 19, 2009



Sunday, August 2, 2009

A Simple Life

Seems like life is back on its old track, busy with work and nothing but work. Today, I went to my nephew's Full month celebrations. Seems like out of all my cousins on my dad's side, I would probably be the last to get married.. haha..When I look at how sound asleep the baby is, I wished that life would be as simple as a baby..

Reflecting on the past 26 years, I was born as a cute, little baby, so carefree, with nothing to worry, and then as we grow up and being influenced by our surroundings, and people, we experience the feelings of happiness, sadness, pain, troubled, boredom, excitement etc. But as we grow, it seems like we are forgetting how to be happy again. Many a times, we spend time feeling sad over trivial matters. The older we grow, the more pain, and sadness we go through, and as we experience, we grow in maturity. But, can't we grow up happily? What is making us feel so unhappy? The growing responsibilities that we have, or the greed that arises within us?

We yearn for better things in life to make us enjoy them, but in the process of getting all these, are we losing out on something? When we are still young studying in school, we fret over failures in exams, and we feel that studies is so so so difficult, and would rather come out earning money. When we grow up, we hope so so so much that we can lead the lives of a kid again. How I envy my nephew and my students...

As we grow up further, we get bothered about relationships, between our parents, between boy/girl friends, and friends around us. We blame our parents for not understanding us, but did we understand them in the 1st place? We blame him or her not caring enough for us, but did we give out as much as they did? We blame our friends for not treating us as important, but are they in our priority in the 1st place? Then, we go through breakups, go through quarrels with our parents, go through fights and power struggles with our friends, and make ourselves so unhappy. Why can't life be simple?

And then, when you grow up even more, to step into the society of work, you finally feel so excited being able to step into society to earn your 1st bag of gold. But to your great disappointment, you find that it is nothing but a scam. You work your life off, always trying to meet deadlines, and then you have less time for people who care for you, and have less time for YOURSELF.. Then you start to worry about 1001 things around you, your financial status, your family, your job, your students, and many more. Yet, at the same time, people around you also start worrying about you when you do not get yourself attached to a girlfriend or boyfriend.

We see lesser smiles, and even if we see, it is either a tired or weak smile, or a fake smile, especially in a metropolitan city like Singapore.. You seldom see warm and sincere smiles anymore. So, why can't life be simple?

I like to go to Cambodia, and South East Asian countries, where people lead a more simple life.. I see smiles and laughters, i see people who are very simple, and not scheming, I see people leading carefree lives... Can I be like them soon?

As I look on, I realize that these are inevitable, and of course, I do realize that some things in life are more appreciated after you visit other countries, after you see people who do not have the same privileges as you do, you feel that you are still more fortunate though not as happy. Hence I can conclude that as your quality of life increases, your unhappiness grows too, yet as your age grows, if you can still maintain a simple lifestyle, then you might feel happier this way. Of course, your outlook in life is still very important. If money is very important to you, then happiness probably would not be a permanent word in your life, unless you have countless money.

To my students, I am actually very happy when I am able to see all of you in class everyday, but the little insensible things that you do hurts me, like fighting in class, skipping school, scolding vulgarities, and not doing the work you should have done, makes me upset. I do hope that with you guys around, you can try to make me happier, by being really good kids.. especially 2F... You know who you are.. Love you all.. Let's make life simpler, shall we?

Enough blabbering.. let's take a look at 2 photos of my nephew.