Sunday, March 7, 2010

罗志祥 - 爱不单行

到底这首歌是什么意思呢?我们听说“祸不单行”,意思是惨祸接二连三接踵而来。那,“爱不单行”是否又是说,爱会不断接踵而来呢?会相信这句话的人不多,能实现爱一个人始终如一的人,更是凤毛麟角。我有一个朋友,他的恋情真的让我感受到浓浓的爱意,也让我深信这个世界上还存在一些希望。我最喜欢这句话:“爱 只有简单笔画 却比想象复杂”。。而这句“我在等一个人 在等我的永恒”就是我目前的心情写照。


找不到人说 心里的寂寞
找不到人懂 怕黑的折磨
找不到命中注定 在一起的那个人
很多人都像我 一个人过生活
爱 只有简单笔画 却比想象复杂
我爱过几个人 也被爱过几遍
爱 是不可数的吗 为何我还相信
我在等一个人 在等我的永恒

用不完身边 泛滥的自由
开始怕孤单 是一种诅咒
羡慕我能飞的人 为何在天黑以后
还是宁愿回到 爱情那个枷锁

爱 只有简单笔画 却比想象复杂 (重复)
我爱过几个人 也被爱过几遍
爱 是不可数的吗 为何我还相信
我在等一个人 在等我的永恒

我在等一个人 在等我的永恒


I added some new songs to my playlist and created a new song.. A song that I searched for a long time, but could not find so in the end I created a very simple MTV for it.. 3rd song I think.. So this is the 1st change I made to the blog..

Changes happen almost every second and I wonder what could be happening the next second.. 《爱不单行》 seems to be the right song at this moment.. So far, one aspect of my life hasn't been changing. That is how busy I am, and this unchanged aspect has made one part of my life stagnant, which is not difficult to guess which one.. Work, Relax, Sleep, Work..Where is my L...?

I hope that I will be able to introduce more changes when I get to the 2nd half of the year where I see most of my Sec 4s/5s able to progress on. Only then, I will be able to really relax a bit.. I really hope my Sec 2s and 3s will be able to catch up fast and not be complacent. Good grades do not come naturally, what matters is always the attitude towards studies.. I am really worried that if my Sec 5s do not CHANGE their mentality and attitude, it is going to be worrying for their O Levels Exams at the end of Term 2.. Pls change soon..

Change is a constant, meaning that we should expect changes to constantly happen, but what if this change is something that we cannot accept? How should we handle it? Hmm, maybe I should spend some time thinking about it before it happens..