Monday, October 27, 2008

IF class celebration

Strange, why did 1D get the best class award when there is 1F around? Oops, 1D is my favourite class too lar.. Hmm.. Arh I know why, cos 1F keep our love to ourselves right? My dear students are all afraid to show their love to other people, especially teachers and other classmates.. Now, I really do hope that all of us can put aside all that has happened in the past year, and move on steadily to 2F and go on to clinch the "Best Class" Award, ok? I really need the class T-shirt Design. Now last thursday was the last day of school, and I am happy to see that so much food and presents were prepared in such a short time. Special Thanks to Hidayah and Lydia for preparation of food. Great Food there. To Ivan and Jaslin for getting the cake and the drinks/snacks. Thanks to the birthday presents' in charge, and thanks to all who have come to attend the birthday celebrations. Well, I noticed that some were not keen to join in and most only wanted to eat, but did not want to help to clean up!

Hey peeps, I hope everyone can take note of the following in future when we have another gathering. 1. Pls respect the food that is specially prepared for you, and finish it. 2. If we create a mess, we should clean up the mess. We do not expect others to help us clean our butts after we do our business right? (Sorry for putting it in such a crude manner..) 3. Everyone who is in the class should participate if you are part of the class, a quote from NPCC:"One for all, All for one!" Kindly bear it in mind. 4. It is not everyday that we have such celebrations, so care for one another, if you find that someone has not eaten, pls do not be selfish, and take all the good food for yourselves, share around, and spread our love around.

Can the above be done? I believe so.. Why Cos we are 1 Fabulous.. Class blog webby:

For the rest of Videos and Photos, pls visit my personal photo collection at:

Below are the pictures and video taken:

Friday, October 24, 2008



首先,我校刚完成了运动会,然后大家便从蔡厝港体育馆,走到了地铁站。然后,在第一乐广场里,我就遇到了我1D班的一群女生。真受不了,她们一直在那里吵到半死,只好破费带她们到Pizza Hut 去饱餐一顿,但事先说好,我只请那些取得了至少A2 的学生,其余的只付一半。其实我觉得1D这个班真的是一个好班,但男生平时有些好玩,要不然,肯定能够更上一层楼。吃饱了后,刚巧剩下3 片比萨(Pizza),我不忍心浪费,只好打包了,准备拿回家给老爸吃。但我又赶时间下去NIE,及乌节路去办事。



为什么要提到这件事呢?因为我到了NIE,在那里花上了一些时间在包扎伤口,之后在离开。想不到,离开时,竟然遇到了Justin。 我本来还想去约他一起出去吃一顿,反正难得回来遇见这位老朋友。虽然只认识短短5个多月,但在南大(NTU)住大学时,不知为何却与他特别投缘。于是,我和Justin,就站在楼梯口聊起来了。聊着、聊着,我又看到Xiaojun走过。之后,我又站在那里,与Xiaojun聊上了一会儿。遇见老朋友,能够与他们叙旧是我这个忙碌的老师难得能做到的事情。像要约朋友出门,又担心不能及时把手头上的工作完成。所以有很多人都认为老师的社交圈子很小,而我也特别珍惜与这些朋友的接触时间。


Sunday, October 19, 2008


Haha, Oops I shouldn't have put Caps on my title.. A lot of meanings behind the title... It can mean: What happened? Why didn't I update the blog for such a long time? What Happened to me recently? Anything fresh to share with you guys? What happened to the world lately? What is going to happen to us, with the world, US and Singapore economy going into recession? What happened to my students? Well, did something happen? Well yes, of course.. and last but not least, What happened to this chinese teacher? Why is he not using Chinese to type his blog?

Well, it seems like I do have a lot to write regarding the above questions... But due to "unforeseen" laziness, I have decided to post alternate posts in both languages to show that I can also be "effectively" bilingual. So bear with me, since the world is facing a bearish market now.. ( Sorry ar students, some of these jargons or phrases used here may be too difficult for you to understand, so I hope it provides a chance for you, yes YOU, to go look up the dictionary and learn a new word everyday..)

1st of all, would like to apologize for not updating this blog for quite some time, due to the busy term 4 where revisions, exams, marking, and scrutinising and heart bleeding comes in all at the same time, which explains for my lagginess in writing.. Finally it is coming to an end soon, end of an academic year for my students.. I still have another month to go, until I can leave the country to sort out my thoughts and really relax a bit, after such a busy half year.. I will try to update as often as I can in the upcoming days.. I hope I can internet connection to do a posting on my trips daily..I am planning to go to Hanoi - Ho Chi Minh - Siem Reap via Phomn Penn - Singapore (For Andy Lau Concert) - Diving at Phuket - Singapore - 2009! Ok.. these are my holiday plans.. sounds interesting, but for the 1st part of the trip, I have yet to find someone to go with me yet.. Haha, anyone interested?

Nothing much has happened to me. In fact, quoting what a Secondary school friend whom I have not met for some time, who "spoke" to me on facebook today, she said: "haha! my, my! u have not changed a bit! ur looks and ur crap!" So it seems like I havn't changed since I was Sec 4??? Is this good or bad? I would deem it to be a compliment, haha, since that would mean that I have either upgraded my level of crappiness over these years, and I can still humour my friends after so many years, or it can also mean that I have downgraded my level of crappiness to that of the standard of a Secondary school student, and that makes it easier to build up rapport with them.. Either one of it seems fine to me. Well, she said that my looks have not changed a bit, it could either mean that I have maintained my handsome look, or preserved my "not so good looking" side..I managed to confirm the answer at 11 plus just now, with this answer from her: " Oh yah, didn't realise ur sis is so big now! saw her photo! omg! how come so diff??? she is very pretty leh! Why are u so dark and she is so fair?" It seems like looks doesnt seem to important afterall, what is more important is that I have maintained my tanned and dark look! With that, I take it as a compliment. This is what I replied: "I have a hidden identity.. I can mix well in different countries and races, and I get discounts cos I am tanned.." Well, Seems like I like deluding myself, but well, it makes me happier.. That's what matters..

So I have not changed in terms of my looks? Well, go check out my bus pass, and you will see the difference.. Hehe, I have bloated up over the years, especially after the Army days.. So now that I have told you what has happened to me.. Let us take a look around us, and see what has actually happened.. I am not sure if you have seen glum expressions on your parents' faces lately, taken a look at the global financial situation, despite the busy exams schedule? Or do you only know that China has some tainted milk products that contain melamine, a form of substance used for making plastics, because your mum threw away all your M&Ms, and forbade you to eat "Rabbit brand" Sweets? So much has happened over the last few weeks..

If you have not noticed yet, the 4th largest investment bank in US has gone bankrupt, US govt is forking out more than 700 billion public (tax-payer) money to save the US financial markets.. (700 billion is USD $700 000 000 000, ) ; Many other governments in Europe are forkig out money to bail out their economy crisis; Singapore, as well as many countries in the world has gone into recession, which would mean retrenchment, pay cuts, lower year end bonuses, and many more financial disasters coming up..Iceland has gone bankrupt, if you realised, this is the 1st time a country has gone bankrupt.. Read the below and you will realize how damaging the effect is..

A billion is a difficult number to visualize, let’s put a billion into perspective:
A billion minutes ago, Jesus was alive.
A billion hours ago, our ancestors were living in the Stone Age.

How long would it take to count to one billion?
If you count one number a second without stopping until you reach a billion. That task would take you 31 years, 259 days, 1 hours, 46 minutes, and 40 seconds.

US National Debt Facts
Every 8 hours and 20 minutes, the U.S. Government spends another billion dollars.
Of course, the current public debt is well over $8.3 trillion dollars.

Now, to put it simply, how has it affected you, my dear students? Can you imagine your pocket money goes down to $2 a day? That was the kind of allowance that I had during my secondary school days which was not too long ago (Ok lar, 10 years only, not very long, chicken rice was minimum $1.50 per plate) ..i see many of you coming to school with your wallets packed with $50 notes every monday. All the canteen vendors complained to me for having to bring spare loose change with them to change. Well, this is a difficult and trying time for your parents, so you may be scolded if you request to buy an expensive computer game, or go for rebonding, when they are in the office waiting to get sacked..My dear ladies and gentlemen, if you are sensible enough, do save up more money, especially during this period of "rainy season".. This whole global financial crisis will be raining cats and dogs for at least a year, before it can recover.. So, you should know what to do, my dear intelligent and sensible ladies and gentlemen.

Now allow me to share some personal feelings here..I thank those who have put in additional efforts in their End of Year Examinations..You should have reaped your harvest if you have put in effort throughout the year. I would especially like to commend Kelvin from my form class, as he has done exceptionally well, to deserve to get himself a chance to be promoted to the Express Stream..He came to me in term 3 with a clear goal in mind, and I hope that next monday's promotion exercise, he would have his wish fulfiled. Many have shown me that they have improved, and I want to tell you that: " GOOD JOB! You have done me and your parents proud. Keep it up, and you can do better!"

For those who know that they haven't been putting in enough efforts, try harder next year. Though I do feel a little disappointed in my Express class, yet I know that they have put in considerable efforts and feel very disappointed with the results too, especially the gals. Well for those who did not do as well, Laoshi has absolute trust and confidence in all of you, and I really hope that you guys can work harder next year..Not even next year, you can start from these holidays.. You must enjoy and learn at the same time, if not you will slacken down in no time. Learn from your past mistakes, be humble and acknowledge your setbacks. Only then, you can regain your confidence, and do better.. To me, my express class, 1D is my cream crop, though they may not have met mark this year, yet, the day will come when we all rejoice..

As for my form class, 1F, it has not been a smooth sailing term 3 and 4 to us.. Different degree of disciplinary cases arose, and we have almost every kind of possible cases that has happened. I want all of you to remember what I said: " Forgive and Forget" is the greatest virtue that I think should be present in everyone of us, cos we are "Full Of Love" Right? Let us start afresh from next year together, and we shall all work hard!

Finally things are coming to a close and the final year is going to be concluded after next weekend. I hope that better days are coming, and we will come back toether again next year..

Keep a lookout for future posts.. Tired liao.. Spent more than 1.5 hours typing..

Finally after much "pushing" by some of my students, I finally set my heart to update my blog.. yay! Underlined words, do go and check dictionary!