Sunday, September 6, 2009

Embarking on a new journey

In life, we are always travelling on trips. We are always trying to embark on new trips, whether it is a new friendship, a new relationship, a new overseas trip,a new adventure or to another world (if it exists.)

The Buddhists believe that one transcends to another "world" once one is dead. And I do believe that my aunt has gone to fulfil her own trip that she has not been able to do so when she was alive. On Saturday, I went with my parents out to sea to scatter parts of her remains into the vast Seas, and as the bones flow with the waters, I believe one day, she will be able to "travel" to Africa, a place where she had always wanted to go, not to watch World Cup 2010, but to help the poor, hungry and homeless people there...Isn't it an irony that in parts of Africa, people are dying, while others are trying hard to attract people from all over the world to South Africa to make money out of World Cup? I hope my aunt finds peace after her death, while embarking on her new trip in the other world.

What about me? I will be embarking on another trip to Cambodia with a group of students in December. This project will last for around 14 to 15 days. My shortest out of 5 trips. This trip may not have materialised until the day we set off. It is interesting to see a project bear fruit and I certainly hope that this project will be the 1st to see the results that I anticipate. I will be blogging more about it later, and promoting some of the other stuffs that we intend to do for fundraising.

Before that, I will most likely be going on another trip to Yunnan with a group of colleagues from Other Secondary Schools. Yunnan is one of the places that I have longed to visit as I have always wanted to see the minorities' lifestyle, and their culture. The cultural diversity in these places are so vast that people living within the same piece of land could not communicate with each other due to language differences.

We always learn new things when we get to know someone new, and that in itself is a journey in life. I do believe that in every phase of life, I would have learnt something new to use it in my future life. Henceforth, I hope that all who reads this post, will be able to use their time wisely and learn whenever they can, everytime they embark on a new journey in life, whether it is from Sec 2 to Sec 3, or it is visiting a new place.

Well before I end, would like to add that West Spring will be embarking into new project soon, to mark its 10th anniversary celebrations. Hence I would like all students or visitors to give some really creative suggestions where students will be able to implement throughout the whole level (Sec 2) next year in 2010. Pls post under my Tag Board with your name and class, and the most creative ones, I will make a poll. The winner will get a gift from me, and those selected too, but a smaller one. hehe. So pls THINK creatively. Friends are welcomed too.. Haha..

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