Sunday, May 11, 2008




5月3日,缅甸5个省邦遭遇气旋风暴 凌晨袭击仰光

5月3日,仰光市遭遇特强热带风暴袭击 至少4人死亡









根据其他媒体、新闻报道,死亡人数介于20,000(中国新闻) 至100,000不等(海峡时报,Straits Times)。其实,根本不会有这么多的伤亡人数,但就是因为长期压制人民的缅甸军政府(Military Junta/government), 缅甸局势才会一发不可收拾。

Below are some news, events and truths that I have heard and seen with my own eyes, and I would like to share with all of you, hence I did a translation to English.

你们知道吗?Do you know that:


1. During the start of the disaster, just after the cyclone hit Burma, the military Junta/Government refused entry to international aid, especially food and medical aid, because they were afraid that they would bring harm to the military reign. Hence, at the expense of the lives of the burmese, the number of deaths tolled from a mere 10,000 to nearly 100,000, due to starvation, lack of drinking water, lack of accomodation and of course, lack of protection from the cold and attack from the winds.


2. A pregnant lady climbed up a tree to prevent herself from being flushed away by the floods caused by the cyclone. Finally, she was saved, and she gave birth to a healthy baby. It brought joy to the sad news that a new life was born. But her 7 children all perished in the cyclone. I will always remember this news.


3. There are many Burmese in Singapore. You would have noticed that if you visit City Hall during the weekends, near Peninsular Shopping Centre. These Burmese came over to Singapore, or to other countries, with the hope of escaping from the clutches and suppression from the Military government in Burma, and to seek a better life out there. Anywhere is better than Burma.


4. The Burmese hate their government, but for economic reasons, some of the bigger countries like China and India, have been providing support for Burma, such that the international community is unable to do anything to stop the dire state of Burma.


5. The richest people in Burma, are the military generals, and if foreigners were to go, we need to pay double the price of what the locals pay. (Told by my burmese friend). There are many small villages, where the people do not earn more than 1 USD per day, so you can see the state that they are in.

6。由于缅甸政府长期残杀克伦族(Karen tribe)的族群(现在依然如此),从缅甸流亡到泰国的难民多达100,000人,而这个数目还在增加。泰国政府本来想将他们遣返回国,但由于这是条死路,所以继续给予帮助。

6. Due to the long term massacre of the tribal people in Burma, mainly the Karens, the number of refugees who have fled over across the border to Thailand, has increased to nearly 100, 0000 over the years, and this number is still increasing. The thailand government wanted to expedite them back to Burma, but on knowing that this is dead road, they continue to provide help and shelter to these refugees. (The military government wanted to kill the Karens, mainly because of religion differences, since 80% of Burmese are Buddhists, and Karens are the minorities, the christians. )


7. I went to Mae Ra Camp, a refugee camp in Northeastern Thailand, near the borders of Thailand and Burma, and saw the kind hearted Karens. I found that they are not only friendly, but they give their guests the best thing. Because we went in groups, my other group of friends had "VIP" 5 star treatment from the Karens. They used fans to fan away the houseflies, and to keep my friends cool while enjoying their meals, and they kept refilling the food, as if we are really there for a buffet. But from these small actions, you can see no reasons why the government can be so brutal to kill their people. The Karens strive hard in their education, giving their children the best, to learn English, so that they would stand a chance for an interview to be given a chance to go overseas, to US, UK, Australia, to start a new life.


8. Maybe you do not know that a refugee camp does not allow refugees to go out of the camp. They need special permits to go out for interviews, or sometimes to buy new goods in. If they really want to leave, they have to give 10,000 Thai baht to the camp officers to bribe their way out of the camp, and start a new life in Thailand. Either that, or after they pass the interviews and tests, then they can be released to a new country of their choice, with their families. Hence staying in the refugee camp is like staying in prison, and if they do not get to leave, they will stay here forever. However so, I only see satisfied faces of the Karens, living happily without much complaints. The reason why they are contented is because they do not need to face a life full of fear and warfare. To them, as long as they have a place to stay, food to eat, and clothes to wear, they are happy enough.


9. As Burma and Thailand is only a river apart, hence they can still hear gunshots from not far away at times. They can only pray for their counterparts' safety in Burma. Now that Burma faces the new series of disaster, I do not know how long they would need to suffer before being able to release themselves from the clutches of their government, and gain the true happiness...

10。加油吧,缅甸!Strive on, Burma.


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