Tuesday, April 29, 2008
1。错别字 - 问题严重啊。不要懒惰,知错能改,善莫大焉。你们可以印出来,然后来找老师,我会告诉你们哪一些词有问题。
2。内容 - 目前为止,我看到一些很生活化的帖子。希望你们再接再厉,想出一个好的话题,让大家来讨论,比如:我前天在报纸上看到一名15岁的学生出手打老师,哈哈!是华文老师呢!
Monday, April 28, 2008
为何我们还需要学生写应用文?《华文应用文改革大纲》首次在1977年编写,到了现在已经有31年了。当时的社会环境与今天相比,已 大不相同。要教导学生掌握一项日常生活中几乎没有机会使用的技能,我实在不能信服。我们教学生文学,是因为文学有其存在与欣赏价值。应用文的写作过程是类似‘八股文’般的练习。清朝都已经废除了八股文, 我们呢?我们不能忘记新加坡的官方语言是英语;华文不应该与英文相竞争,而是各事其位。我不是反对教应用文,我只是反对考应用文。难道,我们的华文试卷就没有其他东西可以考核了吗?
这是一个很值得探讨的问题。问题有两个:1。为何要教及考应用文(现在改名换姓成了“实用文”)? 2。我们要怎么教一个令自己难以信服的题材,要怎么把它教好呢?
我 本身认为,决策权既然不在我们的手上,那不如,顺水推舟,来一个借题发挥。应用文及作文对我来说是不具有现代意义的,但它既然还存在,必然有其目的。不管 是手写的文章,或是网上的博客,或是日常MSN/email, 与朋友交谈、联络,我们所要看到是一种通顺的文笔,流利且没有错别字的文法。但现实往往事与愿违。如果你们发现我最近有了个博客,而且还有许多学生的联 系,那是因为我校正举办中文博客比赛。很多学生的博客中,文笔还算不错,但却错字百出,要不然就是中英混杂。
我 承认应用文与时代的脱节,但与其以一个它完全没有实用价值的态度来教学,不如将它视为另一个训练学生来写他们的日常交际用语的工具?我将它视为强化学生在 网上的语言表达工具。你们或许也发现了,现在的学生,你若叫他们写一页,他们不就写一页给你,有的还偷工减料,空行或少写几行。如果他们连写都要偷懒,试 想想要他们用电脑以汉语拼音打出来,再去选择正确的字,那可不是要了他们的小命。有空 不妨去看看我那参差不齐的学生所作的博客。
应用文既然改为实用文,必然有其意义。两个作用,我们可以在博客上教他们用正确的字,然后再 以实用文考察。或我们可以在实用文中,加入多一些与日常生活有关的话题,来鼓励学生以华文创作博客,或与中国的朋友交流(现在有很多出国游学的机会,一定 有机会让学生间互相交流)。不知道大家认为以上的提议怎么样,但我相信若能将实用文的内容及如何有条理地报告一个事件,必定能够为他们日后的交际方式 (email, msn, 或真的有学生讨厌打字,而选择写信给中国的朋友?)
我们为何要拐个弯,用实用文来教学生交际?我们应该直接教学生如何用 email,msn 等等来交际。我须要澄清,我绝对不反对教授实用文,我只是觉得不应该花4年的时间来专注教授实用文来应付考试。学生毕业后,就算写了一篇满分的实用文,又 能怎样?我们所生活在的时代应该是一个以transferable skills 为主的时代。
我 是反对应用文在考试所扮演的角色,对我来说,应用文往往只是送分项目。我并不反对考试/考察。只有这样才可以区分学生之间的程度。我也同意我们应该着重于 教学过程,而不是结果。但是,你认为你告诉家长、导师、校长、校董、学生等等,他们会接受这样的理念吗?成绩如果不好,无论教学过程多么有趣,在现有社会 的眼里,都是不可取的。
2。 导师说过,近来很多学校有校本教材,我更在星期五周报中读到,有些学校应用星期五周报教学,完全不用课本。我校呢?虽说没有特别强调教课本,但却没有额 外的资源去开创新的校本课程。重点是,如果我们能在可见的未来里看到这些政策正在逐渐改变,那也未尝不值得大家的期待。要得到学校中 文部门的全体投入,制作教材,不是一朝一夕的事,所以尽可能搜集经验,以备未来之需。
4。 益兄说得对,我们应该积极一些,所以应该多提议如何改进,如何利用现有资源做出调整。我已经说过,要学生去用电脑来打 字,已经是非常困难的事了,如果要运用于考试上,可能得费一些时间进行。目前,用中文来交际,运用于MSN 或Email,还是没有得到广泛的支持,而且身为老师的我们,有时也觉得打字费时,更何况是要求学生这么做。因此,我还是认为这些是长远的考量,但博客,或创 作歌曲,绝对可行。大家不妨想各自的学校提议,绝对能够改善孩子们错别字的问题。但,这却要有耐心,及老师的恒心继续坚持下去,相信从中一到中四都用,肯 定能够提升他们的程度。
5。 最后,我想说的是,实用文绝对不是一定能取分的项目,若是如此,何来优劣之分,为何有人还是不及格,有人却可以文笔流畅,取得满分?现时今日,最大的问题 已经不是要学生做实用文,而是如何再让他们找到对学习中文,讲中文的动力。不管是作文、实用文、感想、理解问答、读后感,或任何与写作有关的作业,只要能 够启发学生,能够让他们找回动力(motivation), 我认为我们的仗已经打胜了一半。
Friday, April 25, 2008
Random thoughts
1st of all, I am a cancerian, hail all cancerians! yay! Now this joke happened during my secondary school days, think it was sec 3. The 1st time my English teacher walked into class (A big fat Angmoh) started off class by asking us to introduce ourselves and asking about our zodiac signs. Then, when he reached me, i was acting smart (ge kiang), so I said loudly, Last day of cancer! Then he gave me a very sad look and said: "Oh so sad, Please take care of yourself." I gave him that blur look, and the rest of the class were already laughing away. It was then I realized the joke. Did you get it?
Next, I was the geography rep in class during Sec 3. Apparently, teachers don't always choose the best student to be the rep! Yeah, and there were 2 instances that I could remember. There was once when I was disturbing others in class, talking to them during lesson, then suddenly, my geography teacher shouted across to ask my 3 other friends to stop disturbing me, cos I need to study! haha. Then, there was another instance when I was napping in class (cos it was really boring), and I was woken up by my Geog teacher again, who asked if I was sick, and whether I need to go to the sick bay! haha..
And the next 2 incidents is something that will be in my memory for life. Some of you who have noticed, would have known that my front 2 teeth are dentures. During my Primary 4, I was running along a bench, and I slipped and knocked my teeth on the edge of the bench. Ouch (number 1) , I can only recall that my whole mouth is bleeding, and was sent to the hospital, and there goes my baby teeth.
This is the interesting one. When I was in Sec 1, on this fateful morning, we were given a scolding by one of our NCOs in charge, so he was talking and talking, and the next thing I recalled was when I opened my eyes and saw my 2 front teeth lying neatly on the floor. Then, the pain came, Ouch (number 2)..My whole mouth was bleeding and of course it hurts lar, MY MOUTH HIT THE TARRED ROAD! So I was sent to hospital again, and I laid there for few hours. Luckily my NCO picked up my teeth, and both me and my teeth underwent an operation before they were back into place again. But, by the time it ended, my lips were swollen like 2 sausages, and until now, there is still a small scar on my lip..What then happened to my teeth? The 2 teeth went back into the slots where they belonged but did not have a life of its own, as I refused to go back to the dentist due to the agony he put me through. Well, I regretted it, because my teeth were dead from the moment it was put back. During my JC time, when I extracted it out, it smelt like.... and it was already rotten inside.. So, finally I got dentures, and I just changed into a new pair recently. You must be wondering, so what exactly happened during my Sec 1, and why I did not go for implants (i.e permanent teeth, or denture)?
One set of implant (2 teeth) , where they screw it into your gums, will cost around $8k. Yes, that is how expensive it is. So I have not saved enough for my precious teeth.
And next, it goes that, few years down the road, during one of our NPCC gatherings, when we were all 20 plus, we were reminiscing about the good old days, and we were joking about how our NCOs, and one of our friends, who nearly fainted after he saw me blackout. haha. His face was greener than the leaves. And one of my friend then made this admission: " Actually hor, I was in front of you, but you may not have remembered. But I thought you were playing with me, so I siam (jump) to one side, and then you fell onto the floor liao." Can you imagine how hard we were laughing cos of this? My PRECIOUS front 2 teeth were gone because he thought I was joking with him?? haha.. my precious... All right, we are still friends..and that is also one reason why I get so involved in NPCC.. Now my NPCC story.
I still remembered the days when there was still saturday for CCAs, when the government haven't realised that we are not making enough babies to make Saturday a non-working day. So we went to school early around 7.30am on Saturday morning for NPCC, and we spent about half a day marching, singing songs, and after lunch (my favourite curry maggi mee with luncheon meat and eggs.. Yummy! The only time where maggi mee was allowed to be cooked in school..) , we went on to play soccer, or captains ball, or telematch, or talk crap...But that was the time.. and my class from Sec 1 to 4, had the largest number of people in NPCC, 1/4 of class. So until now, 13 years of friendship, and going on strong. We still celebrate each others birthday, go out frequently to chill out, and share our laughter and woes.. haha.. my dear frens..
Okie.. so much for today's post.. But just for my students who still do not know me much, Cancerians are very emotional and sensitive people, but I am a very optimistic person. It is just that I do not laugh in front of you.. haha..That's all folks!
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Reflection of the day..
I saw 2 boys making fun outside the class, and one of them suddenly pushed the other guy, and he flew at the door, and landed hard on the ground. Luckily he was not hurt. I called on the culprit who pushed him, and called him over. The guy who was pushed to the ground, flew into a great rage, banged the door, and went into his class and kicked the chair. After which, he stepped out, weeping, and looking very angry, wanting to confront the culprit who was standing in front of me. I stopped him, and calmed him down before speaking to the both of them. Then, both were asked to stay back to talk to me. I wouldn't have imagined what would have happened if I was not around. I think both boys would have gotten into a fight so bad that more would get involved and get hurt. I only felt lucky that I was there.
Next, I stepped into my other class, and again saw the boys fooling around, spraying water at one another and playing PSP. They were afraid that I may confiscate the PSP, and tried to hide it. But I promised to return if they studied their spelling. So indeed they took effort to study, but the work that I tasked them to do, most did not do. That was recess time.
When I went for the last class, I was feeling moody, because I had a very lost feeling, which I do not usually have. Maybe guys do have periods too. haha. I gave them their spelling, and after that, I went on to 念经 to them. I asked them what the meaning of "放弃” is, which means give up. I asked them why are they giving up on themselves, and their lives. While I was talking, I suddenly felt very sad, so sad that I nearly wept out, and my voice started to tremble a bit. I do not know if they realized, but I composed myself and carried on a while more, before getting on to serious work. I could see that most of them understood what i said, but some of them still continued to poke fun of each other in class, which also upset me. However so, I think they got the message across, but whether they will continue to be like that, or they will change for the better, it is up to them.
Finally, I am glad that I met them in a part of my life. If they change for the better, I will be happy for them, but if they continue as what they are, then I can only hope... Hope that one day, they will understand and see the true meaning of what I have said today. Saying is easier than done. Jiayou bah, my students, and whoever reading this.
十件学生想要知道关于他们老师的事(10 things that student want to know about their teacher)
6。老师,你几时要请我们吃东西(棒棒糖、午餐等) ?
Think about others before yourself.
1. Students, why did you not do the homework I give?
Sample Ans: Got tests, and so many homework that other teachers give. You only give 1 day or 2 days to do, where got time to finish?
The real scenario:
1. There is really a lot of work that teachers give (but which teacher doesnt give homework except PE teacher? They also gave homework too, by asking you to keep fit!). But if most students can complete, why can't you?
2. I am just lazy, when I see homework, I really have phobia, I rather the teacher come and chase after me, then I stay back and do.
3. I rather play the computer, playing games is better than writing work! Or I play the computer for more than 3 hours a day, after that so tired already, how to do work? Might as well go to sleep.
4. Wah, CCA is more important, I rather go for CCA, than do work, so much more enjoyable!
5. Simply can't be bothered. Heck care lar, do you think doing homework can help me pass?
Isn't it true? Come on, I was a student once, how can I not know what you are thinking? So give me a break, treasure what you have got, and really go and DO YOUR HOMEWORK!
Question: Students, why do you keep on talking?
Answer: Sorry, next time will not do it again. ( Liar, I know you will make noise again!)
Real Scenario:
1. Because I have ADHD, and I just can't stop talking or moving about.
2. The more likely case: Because I just feel like talking, and can't keep my mouth closed.
3. Also highly likely: I need attention, I need the guys or gals in class to take notice of me!
If you talk, you not only disrupt the lesson, but it makes learning difficult. Before you talk, ask yourself, is it necessary to talk? Think about other's feelings.
If you do not want to do your work, think about your poor teachers who have to keep hounding you, think about your parents who will be disappointed when your poor teachers call them up and tell them the problem, and think about what is your purpose of coming to school to study. Thanks.
Monday, April 21, 2008
My heart pains for you!
Following by, the Discipline mistress walked by and took over with my friend and they walked over with the student. I was left there then and I spoke to the remaining kid, supposedly to be sent for detention too. I had wanted to ask him to apologize to the teacher, since I believed that my friend would have released him, if he was to admit his mistakes. But it went on that I had this conversation with him, that made me feel down.
"Why are you being spiteful, and giving yourself up?"
"Well, no one cares about me, my dad hits me for all the right or wrong reasons, when he can't find a job. Then, only my mum, and maybe grandma will stand up for me. But they will get scolded as well."
"But then is it because of your attitude then?"
"NO! I always stand there and get scolded, and beaten up."
"Why don't you tell teachers about that?"
"I hate teachers, all teachers, they always aim at me, always scold me, blame me for everything."
"Are you sure it is not because you did not do your work, or behaved badly?"
"Well, if it was not for their attitude, then I would not hate school that much. I hate my father, hate to go home, and hate the teachers."
"But no matter how much you hate them, you still have to live strongly and graduate, before you can make your own plans."
"No point, I don't feel like living anyway, I want to move out of home."
"But where can you move to?"
"Anywhere, I don't mind going to jail, got free food, and lodging."
"But did you consider that if you go to jail, you will be unhappy and your mum will be very sad."
"Whatever, No one will care for me lar."
"No matter what, you have to be strong and not look down on yourself, no matter who looks down on you. "
" No one treats me like a human. Teachers call me idiot, stupid, Father calls me a log, sister calls me a pig, I don't know."
I tried to tell him how my dad hits me when i was small but for the right reasons, and I told him this: "Do you know my heart hurts when i hear you say this?"
"I duno you too, what for, even if you try to talk to me?"
Then, we walk over to the detention area to ask if he can be dismissed, he was scolded again for showing attitude, and was warned that he would be slapped and sent for detention if he continues to show the same behaviour. After I asked my friend for consent to dismiss him, I walked out with him. Out of spite, he said, " I will burn her whole family." I knew that would be his response, as he was still angry at being wronged, since he only wanted to see if he can go home.
Nonetheless, I told him that he is behaving like his dad, and he should not learn the bad habits from his dad, which he seemed to realize and then left silently.
As I write this, I keep questioning myself this: Why are there more and more counsellors? Why are there more and more students behaving in this manner, giving themselves up? Who gave them up? The society, their parents, teachers, who? Who is responsible for whom they are? Previously I thought that the main culprit should be the Media, now, I still maintain that, but I only have this to say: "If we can show more concern and care to these lonely kids, who dread going home, because it is forever so empty, with their parents working, and no one to talk to them, then they might not be what they are now. We, refers to anyone reading this post. Look around you, go and talk to these children, they need you to care for them, not more scoldings, and grudges against them. " See you in the next post.
"PS: the conversation in English may not sound so strong, but i conversed in Chinese, so I can feel how much hopelessness there is with the conversation."
Saturday, April 19, 2008
柬埔寨(Cambodia, or Kampuchea),一个历尽风霜的国度,在近二十年来受到了不同国家在经济与物资方面的资助,现在已逐步走出阴影,迈向一个新的纪元。1960 年代,资政曾说过柬埔寨是一个值得新加坡学习的国家,想不到到了1975年发生了一次族群灭绝(genocide)的事件,导致了柬埔寨从国际舞台中淡出,而国家更是陷入了血腥与暴力当中。详细的历史资料,请自己去做调查。
无论如何,我是对这个国家有着一份特别的感情。可能,这是我的第二个家园了。我曾两次到过柬埔寨,第一次在2006年底,那时,我与国大科学系,一班志同道合的好友,到那里开始了我第一次海外的义工工作。我们在新加坡筹了约10千新币,然后全数用来资助柬国的人民。那次的任务着重在建盖两间课室,然后再教导那里的学生如何运用简单的英语来与外界(外国人)交流。然后,我们也带了书本、文具及校服到那里,让他们能够有新的校服。(他们一个星期六天可以穿上同一件校服去上课,衣服已是破烂的状态。) 那一次的工程代号是“Project Angel 8",而历时约一个月(因加上到处旅游) . 以下是一些图片摘录:





Picture 1: One of the Mass graves containing 8985Victims
Picture 2: Shackles that were used on prisoners at the Tuol Sleung Prison (S-21 Prison) Millions died in these prisons, and only 8 survived after 1979.
Picture 3: Rules and regulations at the Prison. Most were tortured and killed on the basis that they were traitors.
Picture 4: All the skulls and clothings that were dug out and placed in a Stupa at Genocide Museum.
Picture 5: Happy children of Cambodia today. These 2 are the better off children in Phomn Penn.
Click on the pictures to enlarge for a better view.
这里有一个Video, 是我在去年制作的,有着我在柬埔寨“Project Angel 8”的照片。希望我的学生能够看过,而我也在结尾的地方给了你们一个小小的祝语。我一向相信照片胜过千言万语,因此,敬请收看。
2007 年月至六6月
在那一次之后,意犹未尽,于是在2007年五月,我参加了“Project Angel 9”,到了北泰国(NorthernThailand) 去,也是一项教育的工程。(注意:每一项工程的筹备时间是半年)原本是到缅甸去的,但由于缅甸政府的贪腐*(corruption),他们的教育部与当地政府不希望外国人来给予他们的人民帮助,于是我们才会到南泰国帮助那里逃亡的缅甸难民。据估计,泰国政府已经收留了近一百万缅甸的难民。如果大家有看过Rambo 4,就会明白我所说的。现今的缅甸,与1975年的柬埔寨,有着很大的共同点。缅甸政府目前还是大规模地在屠杀自己的百姓,尤其是在泰缅边界,只是外界看不到而已。最糟糕的是,由于一些经济上的利益,连国际社会,如中国与美国方面,都没有办法去阻止这类惨事的发生。所以,我们这次就是想帮助那些(Karen)族的人民,因为他们是缅甸军政府残害的最大族群。这次的工程历时约一个月,因为后来在曼谷旅游。
你们可观看一下Youtube 片断,(学生们,请考完试再看)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F2xBZi-EkZw&feature=related (背景资料,简短而且详细)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-YVdpQHdqo&feature=related (较长,但有丰富的资料)
也许是做义工作上瘾了,又有机会出国开阔视野;于是在接下来在师资学院 (NIE)里,我又带着一群十四个人的团,到了北印度(Yuksam, Sikkim)去,做了一项环保的工程,历时一个月,是去年2007年11月底进行的。这次是我第一次作领袖(Leader),所以既兴奋又害怕。兴奋,因为我能传授先前所学到的知识,害怕是因为怕不能胜任。但,还是完成了使命。Hooray..
在来临的五月,我会与另一名好兄弟,一名与我一起到过Project Angel 8 的好伙伴,一起做领导,率领30人的团队再度共赴柬埔寨, 而这是Project Angel X (10)。以下是这次工程所设的博客:www.projectangel10.blogspot.com. 这次, 我以Facilitator的身份去,而我相信我能传授的学习点将会更多。我也希望在往后的日子里,会有机会带领学生到柬埔寨去,因为我认为我们生长在这样一个舒适的环境里,但却把它当成是理所当然,而不去珍惜它,真是太可惜、太可怜了!希望我能利用我的经历,多启发一些学生能珍惜所拥有的一切。好了,下次再聊吧!
Friday, April 18, 2008
How students view Chinese?
Hmm, they gave me a list of answers, and extortions.
1. It is boring. Why is it boring? I do not know. Maybe my lessons are not interesting enough. But, haha, this is what I assume, is it true? Students, pls comment.
2. Next I asked them if my CT, Zhang Laoshi taught better, they tried to extort me by asking me to treat them to Mocca, and then they will be nice to you, and remember you. haha.. Will I succumb to threats? What do you think, students?
3. Do they like to type their Chinese Blog? Hmm, I think not, they dislike to write out in Chinese, cos they dislike to write out the "一笔一划”(quoted by student E). They also do not like to type it out cos they think it is difficult to spell out the hanyu pinyin, and a waste of time typing out word by word.
4. My question is: why do they think it is not a hassle to type in English? That is because they have adapted themselves to typing out English, and they have mastered enough vocabulary and Singlish to type out a so-called posting on a blog. The main distinction between myself and my students is that I have mastered more words than them over the years, so I do not experience as much difficulty as them, having to go through word by word to identify the correct word. That is also why you would have realized that most of their Chinese blogs under my link have many vocabulary mistakes. And as there is no online dictionary to their knowledge that they can utilize. and due to laziness to check a hardcopy Dictionary, it is difficult for them to be able to type out a good post, unless they have mastered a good command of Chinese vocabulary.
5. Chinese characters is one of the most difficult language and writing system worldwide, but I always believe that if "Angmohs" and "Africans" can master Chinese, as their 2nd Language, then I have confidence that my students will have the ability to master this language if they put in enough effort. Jiayou bah, students. That's all, folks!
Essence of Chinese and the relevance to modern Singapore
This is the 2nd post of the day, I shall write in English, because of the audience that I am addressing the issue to. Well, studying Chinese seems to be a chore to many people, especially many students whose 1st language at home is English and not Mandarin. 1st Language means that after you were born, the language that you had in contact with mainly and had used most commonly. Many people do not realize that they are descendents of the “dragon”, i.e 龙的传人, that they are Chinese and this is a fact that cannot be changed. Yet, they prefer to cling on to a language and culture that does not originate from their roots.
Now, what is the difference between English and Mandarin in
What many lack to envision is that, Chinese in itself has more than 5000 years of culture and richness in it, and to us, it is a “Soul” Language, i.e “灵魂用语”. What does this mean? Do you realize that when speaking Chinese or dialects, it actually brings us closer and easier to bond through interacting with this medium, just like Malay Language is to Malays etc. This “Soul” Language is a platform for people to build up their personal character, their personal beliefs, like filial piety, respect etc. If you look at how the current society has evolved, how the media has influenced our kids, you would have realized that this is due to the loss of a crucial culture. What is our identity? A Singaporean Identity? What is that?
In the west, they do not teach you to respect your parents and teachers, they do not teach you that you cannot go out there, pull out your gun and shoot at people. The moral values, and the festive seasons that the Chinese inculcate and celebrate differ so much from what the Westerners practise. We have Qing Ming, where we pay respect to our ancestors, but they only pray to a particular God in which they believe in. (No offense) In general, Westerners have a weaker sense of family ties as compared to Asians. And if you compare Singaporeans to them; Yes, we are moving towards this trend of talking back to our parents, wanting freedom, wanting more time of our own.
Now as you are reading this, you may be wondering if this is going to continue to bore on, well, let me just quote a case that I hear today. This is a case which happens almost everyday, and is no longer something new, but something worth our concerns. It seems like some students have been engaging in silly acts, involving daring sexual acts in their school uniforms. And were caught by members of the public who took down photos and videos of their “shameless acts”.
Why do all these happen? What is the root cause of these problems? I will only blame it on MEDIA, and the general societal views (already influenced much by the western society) on these issues. What is exactly wrong with the above scenario? Is having sex wrong? Is watching pornography online wrong?
I am sure all of you reading this may hold similar views as myself. If you are of legal age (above 16), and having a proper male/female relationship, and both parties are able to agree upon the responsibilities and consequences of having sex, able to understand the implications if one party were to get pregnant or contract sex diseases, then it may seem to be engaging in responsible sex. In these recent years, it is very common to see teens engaging in these so-called “shameless acts”, and it is wrong in the following ways:
- They are minors, not of a legal age to assume responsibility for their foolish acts.
- They are wearing uniforms representing their schools, and in the process, damaging the school’s reputation in the public’s perception.
Due to globalisation, which brings about the convenience of accessing pornographic materials, students are very much exposed to these things that they are curious about, especially at their puberty age. The loss of our “Soul language”, Mother tongue and the culture to be responsible people, is something that is worth our reflections, especially young parents today. If you want to give birth, pls assume the responsibilities of a parent and teach the right values.
Final Advice: A moment of FUN, A lifetime of REGRETS.
Tip of day: Embrace Chinese as your foundation, and enjoy yourself when learning the language. Only when you enjoy doing something, then it will not be a chore.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Scenario 1: 家长看到了之后,肯定会觉得这个老师挺糊涂的,然后去投诉,让他有被开除的可能。
Scenario 2:校长看到了之后,可能会找老师“喝咖啡”,提醒一下。(或更惨!)
Scenario 3: 学生看到了之后,觉得很可笑,或觉得老师勇于认错。
Scenario 4:大众看到了之后,和学生反应大同小异,可能会通知晚报或新民,然后就能拿到$50礼券。
Scenario5: 同事看到了之后,会提醒自己不要犯同样的错误,也不要这么笨在网上写上这种篇章,以免被以上的各大人物来“Arrow”。
Scenario 6:自己以后再回顾时,嘴角还会露出一丝微笑。
既然是无心之失,相信无最终会的到谅解,但无论如何,知错能改,善莫大焉! 大家就原谅我吧!哈哈。
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
根据百度的解释: 比喻无端受祸。其事本于《吕氏春秋·必己》:“宋桓司马有 宝珠,抵罪出亡,王使人问珠之所在,曰:‘投之池中。’於是竭池而求之,无得,鱼死焉。此言祸福之相及也。”后人加以附会,演化为“城门失火,殃及池 鱼”。《太平广记》卷四六六引汉应劭《风俗通》:“城门失火,祸及池鱼。旧说:‘池仲鱼,人姓字也,居宋城门。城门失火,延及其家,仲鱼烧死。’又云: ‘宋城门失火,人汲取池中水以沃灌之,池中空竭,鱼悉露死。’喻恶之滋,并伤良谨也。”
以上有两个故事,故事很简单,古代有个有钱人,当他逃亡时,宝珠掉了。后来国王派人查问宝珠掉到了哪里,他的手下说宝珠被扔进了河里。于是,国王下令将水 池中的水捞干,谁知道却找不到宝珠,池中的鱼儿反而都死了。后来的人们,又加入了另一个相似的故事,并在“池鱼之殃”前,加入了“城门失火”,结果整句就 成了“城门失火,祸及池鱼”。这个故事大家应该都听过了吧!
绕了个大圈,我都还没说发生了什么事,但相信我的学生应该已经猜出来了。今天当我去上课时,我看到楼下有一堆“鱼尸”。这究竟是怎么一回事呢?原来是好心 做了坏事! 学校请了人来清洗鱼池,由于水池里的水必须经过一夜的“平复期”才能让鱼儿回到水中。想不到第二天,因为鱼儿缺氧,几乎全部成了“无主鱼魂”,真是可惜 啊!一条条锦鲤就这样“英年早逝”。哈哈。
其实,人何尝不是跟这些鱼一样呢?有时候,人们因为自己的贪念,而害得身边关心他们的人伤心落泪。我就曾经犯过这样的错误。那已经是3 年多前的事情了, 但似乎仍然记忆犹新。我也是人,是人就会犯错,孰能无过呢?重要的事,我们不要放弃自己,要勇于面对过错,当然更重要是要改过。 我相信,只由不断检讨、反省(Reflect) 自己的过失,才能够变得更好!好了,还要备课,待会儿再聊。