Tuesday, October 13, 2009
1. Friends not willing to share if they are attached anot.
2. Friends who are busy enough to ignore you when you want to chat with them.
3. People around you who do not take friendly advice, when you hope that they turn over a new leaf.
4. People around you keep making the same mistakes and getting into bigger troubles each time you give them a chance.
5. You do something with all your heart and soul, but your efforts do not pay off, and you get unrecognized for.
6. When you hear a piece of good news, then it suddenly becomes just another mistaken piece of news.
7. When you like someone, but that someone doesn't like you.
8. When you trust a friend so much that you are willing to do much to help him, but in the end, finds out that you are just another fool who have mistrusted him.
9. When your closest people, or family do not believe in what you say and/or doubts you.
10. When you want to buy something that you like, but you find that you do not have enough to do so.
11. When you really want to help someone, but they say they do not need your help.
12. When you really want to help someone, you do not have the means or money to do so.
Well the list can go on forever about the 1001 things that make us disappointed. But these are just some of those that I have experienced the past few months.. The bigger ones are when students do not heed your advice and carry on their mistakes, like smoking, and taking things in their hands. But you have to continue believing at times, cos someone once said this:" It is not about how many times they fall, but everytime they fall, they will learn something, and will grow faster.." BUT, how many times must they fall, in order to grow up? Not as many times as I did, I hope. Good luck for those who still have remaining papers..
Monday, October 12, 2009
Where friends come to mind, I seem to have made a lot of real friends but many still pass by as acquaintances. Some have grown to become close friends, but some have grown far apart and become acquaintances.. This is life, when you grow older, you tend to realize that people grow far apart..There are many whom I would like to maintain as friends, but I can't force them if they would like to maintain their distances, cos I believe that friendship needs time to cultivate..
That aside, many of my friends are getting married, and that further contributes to having fewer friends since they will be building their little families.. But I hope the tradition of celebrating each other's birthday will continue to last..
Lately I have been really busy, for my Cambodia trip, for end of year marking, and many other stuff.. but I told myself that a break is coming.. I need a break.. really.. And I found out that there are really many people smoking lately, especially students.. Many know smoking is bad, but at their age, they can't really withstand the lure of their friends and more importantly, the lack of care and concern from their parents. Parents do not know they actually do play a part in the child's upbringing, and the reason why we have so many children who needs help are because of bad parenting.. That being said, I hope that students do not engage in smoking especially smoking illegal cigarettes, which contain much more harmful substances that kill you faster..
Reasons for not smoking:
1. Waste Money! 1 pack $10, 1 day 1 pack, 1 year $3650, and the sum goes on.
2. Harmful for the body! Now below are some statistics and Q n A from Health promotion Board. I will highlight those which I think are really useful advice in RED.
4. You can live a much more fulfilling life much longer than me!
Tobacco use kills 5.4 million people a year worldwide - an average of one person every six seconds - and accounts for one in 10 adult deaths worldwide. It kills up to half of all users. Most of tobacco’s damage to health does not become evident until years or even decades after the onset of use. So, while tobacco use is rising globally, the epidemic of tobacco-related disease and death has yet to reach its peak.
In Singapore:
- About 7 Singaporeans die prematurely from smoking-related diseases each day.
- Smoking-related diseases, including cancer, heart disease, stroke and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) - also known as Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (COLD)- , are the nation's top killers.
- The social cost of smoking in 1997 ranged from S$673 to S$839 million. The social cost of smoking in Singapore includes the direct costs (payments for hospitalisation and healthcare due to smoking), morbidity costs (lost production due to smoking related illnesses) and mortality costs (lost production from people who died early due to smoking).
Smoking is the largest cause of preventable death in the world. Don’t let yourself or your family become the next victim.
Your Questions on Smoking, Tobacco Use and Health
Is there a safe way to smoke cigarettes?
No. All cigarettes can damage the human body. Any smoking is dangerous. The cigarette is the only legal product whose advertised and intended use - smoking - is known to harm the body and cause cancer.
Some people think that switching from high-tar and high-nicotine cigarettes to those with low tar and nicotine makes smoking safer, but this is not true. When people switch to brands with lower tar and nicotine, they often end up smoking more cigarettes, or more of each cigarette, to get the same nicotine dose as before.
Smokers have been led to believe that "light" cigarettes have lower health risk and are a good option to quitting. A low-tar cigarette can be just as harmful as a high-tar cigarette because a person often takes deeper puffs, puffs more often, or smokes them to a shorter butt length.
Are menthol cigarettes safer than those without menthol?
Menthol only adds to the flavour of the cigarettes. It does not make the cigarettes any less dangerous.
In fact, menthol cigarettes may even be more dangerous. The added menthol produces a cooling sensation in the throat when the smoke is inhaled. It also decreases the cough reflex and covers the dry feeling in the throat that smokers often have. People who smoke menthol cigarettes can inhale deeper and hold the smoke in longer.
Is cigarette smoking really addictive?
Yes. The nicotine in cigarette smoke causes an addiction to smoking. Nicotine is an addictive drug just like heroin and cocaine.
What are the normal reactions after you quit?
- Difficulty in concentration or dizziness because your brain needs to get used to having more oxygen
- Cough and running nose as your lungs get rid of all the dirt and germs that had accumulated inside while you were smoking
- Strong craving for cigarettes while your body gets rid of the nicotine
- Tingling sensations in your arms and legs as your blood circulation returns to normal
Not everyone will get these withdrawal symptoms but don’t lose heart if you do. They will disappear in one or two weeks and they are actually signs that you are getting better.
Am I at risk if I puff the cigarette without inhaling the smoke?
- Many chemicals in the cigarette smoke (including nicotine) can be absorbed through the mouth, nose and skin.
- The smoke that you blow out stays in the surrounding air. When you take your next breath, it goes straight into your lungs, without you realising it.
What does nicotine do?
In large doses, nicotine is a poison and can kill by stopping a person's breathing muscles.
Smokers usually become dependent on nicotine and suffer physical and emotional (psychological) withdrawal symptoms when they stop smoking. These symptoms include irritability, nervousness, headaches and trouble sleeping. The true marker for addiction, though, is that people still smoke even though they know smoking is bad for them -- affecting their lives, their health and their families and friends in unhealthy ways.
Who is most likely to become addicted?
Anyone who starts smoking is at risk of becoming addicted to nicotine. Studies show that cigarette smoking is most likely to become a habit during the teenage years. The younger a person is when he or she begins to smoke, the more likely he or she is to become addicted to nicotine.
Why do smokers have "smoker's cough”?
Cigarette smoke contains chemicals that irritate the air passages and lungs. When a smoker inhales these substances, the body tries to protect itself by making mucus and coughing. The early morning smoker's cough happens for many reasons. Normally, tiny hair-like formations (called cilia) beat outward and sweep harmful material out of the lungs. Cigarette smoke slows the sweeping action, so some of the poisons in the smoke stay in the lungs, and mucus stays in the airways. While a smoker sleeps, some cilia recover and begin working again. After waking up, the smoker coughs because the lungs are trying to clear away the irritants and mucus built up the day before. The cilia will completely stop working after they have been exposed to smoke for a long time. When this happens, the smoker's lungs are even more exposed and prone to infection and irritation.
The same noxious chemicals that cause the simple smoker's cough can lead to far more serious conditions such as bronchitis, emphysema, pneumonia and lung cancer.
Why do I cough more after I've quit smoking?
Your lungs start to function properly again and are working to clear tar, dead cells and extra mucus accumulated from the cigarettes.
My husband was only 30 years old when he suffered from a stroke. The doctor said that smoking is the main cause of his stroke. How can smoking actually cause stroke?
Smoking causes a build-up of fatty deposits in the blood vessels, resulting in narrowing and blockage of the vessels. If the blood supply in these vessels leading to the brain is blocked, the surrounding brain cells will die, resulting in a stroke.
I've heard that smoking causes a fatty build-up in the blood vessels. But how is this so when fat is not an ingredient in cigarette smoke?
The moment you light a cigarette, thousands of poisonous chemicals in the cigarette smoke enter your body and are absorbed into the bloodstream. Some of these chemicals make your blood vessel walls sticky, damaging them, and causing them to collect the tiny fatty deposits that float in the bloodstream. The more you smoke, the more the fatty deposits build up.
How does smoking cause a heart attack? Is it similar to how smoking causes stroke?
Yes. Similar adverse effects take place when the blood vessels leading to our heart are blocked by fatty deposits. This cuts off the blood supply to our heart muscles, killing the tissue. As a result, a heart attack occurs.
How many cigarettes do I need to smoke to get lung cancer?
Lung cancer can begin from cell damage caused by smoking just ONE cigarette.
Research has found that one of the cancer-causing substances in cigarette smoke (benzopyrene) directly attacks and damages the p53 gene which blocks cancer and prevents cancer cells from growing. When cancer threatens a lung cell with a damaged p53 gene, a deadly tumour starts to grow.
Can quitting really help a lifelong smoker?
Yes. It is never too late to quit smoking. The sooner you quit, the more you can reduce your chances of getting cancer and other diseases. Within minutes of smoking the last cigarette, your body begins to restore itself.
Suppose I smoke for a while and then quit?
Smoking begins to cause damage right away and is highly addictive. Some studies have found nicotine to be as addictive as heroin or cocaine.
Do filters reduce the dangers of cigarette smoking?
Cigarette filters may trap part of the tar and nicotine, but they do not remove any poisons from the cigarette smoke.
PLS STOP SMOKING and Hurting yourself.. It hurts me too..
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Touching Clips from Youtube
At least I know that Pan-kun is a loyal friend or one who stands by your side when you are in trouble.. So, why are students always fighting with each other, over jealousy, minor affairs, and over competition in studies? Maybe it is a growing up process that one must go through to understand the true meaning of friendship; Maybe the word "friendship" has to undergo the rough seas, before it can ship off friends who are really true to each other.. Maybe after betrayals, fights, quarrels, or even calamities, before we know who will be the ones who will stand by us, when we are really in difficulties.. I have known many friends in life...Many whom I will proudly claim to be friends, and those whom I would only claim as acquaintances..
Who then are your true friends? Are you one who treats people with your heart too? If you are, good for you, cos you are already halfway to finding your true friends, because I believe in reciprocity. Do you? Watch the video and you will understand.
Pan - Kun : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8cBwE6_VqXg&feature=fvw
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Embarking on a new journey
The Buddhists believe that one transcends to another "world" once one is dead. And I do believe that my aunt has gone to fulfil her own trip that she has not been able to do so when she was alive. On Saturday, I went with my parents out to sea to scatter parts of her remains into the vast Seas, and as the bones flow with the waters, I believe one day, she will be able to "travel" to Africa, a place where she had always wanted to go, not to watch World Cup 2010, but to help the poor, hungry and homeless people there...Isn't it an irony that in parts of Africa, people are dying, while others are trying hard to attract people from all over the world to South Africa to make money out of World Cup? I hope my aunt finds peace after her death, while embarking on her new trip in the other world.
What about me? I will be embarking on another trip to Cambodia with a group of students in December. This project will last for around 14 to 15 days. My shortest out of 5 trips. This trip may not have materialised until the day we set off. It is interesting to see a project bear fruit and I certainly hope that this project will be the 1st to see the results that I anticipate. I will be blogging more about it later, and promoting some of the other stuffs that we intend to do for fundraising.
Before that, I will most likely be going on another trip to Yunnan with a group of colleagues from Other Secondary Schools. Yunnan is one of the places that I have longed to visit as I have always wanted to see the minorities' lifestyle, and their culture. The cultural diversity in these places are so vast that people living within the same piece of land could not communicate with each other due to language differences.
We always learn new things when we get to know someone new, and that in itself is a journey in life. I do believe that in every phase of life, I would have learnt something new to use it in my future life. Henceforth, I hope that all who reads this post, will be able to use their time wisely and learn whenever they can, everytime they embark on a new journey in life, whether it is from Sec 2 to Sec 3, or it is visiting a new place.
Well before I end, would like to add that West Spring will be embarking into new project soon, to mark its 10th anniversary celebrations. Hence I would like all students or visitors to give some really creative suggestions where students will be able to implement throughout the whole level (Sec 2) next year in 2010. Pls post under my Tag Board with your name and class, and the most creative ones, I will make a poll. The winner will get a gift from me, and those selected too, but a smaller one. hehe. So pls THINK creatively. Friends are welcomed too.. Haha..
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
In Living memory of a great woman
As big sister grew up, her responsibilities became heavier, as more chores and burden were handed to her. She had blamed her mum for having to stay single in her life as she had wanted her to help in taking care of her younger brothers and sisters. According to her brother, she has had a boyfriend but eventually things did not work out then. Being the eldest in the family, unmarried, and not very educated, she worked as a cleaner, keeping estates clean and at the same time, she adopted a daughter. By and by, the daughter grew up and big sister sent her overseas for a degree, and afterwhich, she fell in love with anther Singaporean and got married.
While life was tough raising a daughter on her own, she worked hard both at increasing her knowledge and also at playing the role of a mother. When it seems like life was turning for the better for big sister, after her daughter got married, it only lasted for a few years. Things did not work well for the daughter and her husband and eventually they were both on the brink of divorce. Yet, more was to come. The daughter gave up her business, and moved out to their old house in Bukit Batok. Earlier on, big sister had used her savings, bought over the house and transferred the house to her daughter, in order for her to expand her business. So, with the house in the daughter's name, they(Big sister, her daughter and the daughter's son), moved back to Bukit Batok. However, quarrels were frequent, and they drifted apart.
[According to an entry in big sister's diary, it wrote:"I am very sad that when my daughter and grandson sees me walk past them, they do not even greet me. They just treat me as a complete stranger. At home, I have to do my own laundry, and I had to pay for the food that was bought, so in the end, I decided to cook my own meals. "
In other entries:"I think I am not that intelligent or knowledgeable, as those who have studied more than me seems to speak with more sense, and I feel so clumsy whenever I talk to them." In her heart, she feels that she is constantly stepping on people's tails, due to her bluntness and frankness in whatever she speaks. ]
Back to story, after the relationship between mother and daughter fell apart, big sister was left to fend for herself. But she never gave up faith, and she continued to go and help out in Charity work, in Tzu Chi, in charity clinics, and constantly showering care and concern to those around her. A humble woman she was, that she worked till her last breath..
One fine evening, she stepped back home and collapsed on the ground after having a stroke, and immediately she was hospitalized. She has suffered a stroke on her right brain and that paralysed her left side of the body. She looked so much like her mother when she laid there on the bed trying to convey a message to her younger brother, holding on to his hands tightly. Probably a message on her death bed. She struggled and tried to talk but could barely speak properly as all she could do was to blabber words. Her younger brother and family was there, and all were saddened by this image. The doctor has reassured them, including the daughter that the x-ray has shown nothing serious, and has to gauge her condition for the next few days. The next morning was the last time she was awake. When the younger brother visited big sister, and asked the doctor about her condition, the doctor only said that she has told the daughter everything, and will not divulge more. 2 days later, she passed away in the early mornings. If i had the money and energy, I would have sued the hospital and doctor for the way they have treated the patient. Why didn't they send her for a 2nd brain scan, when they said she died of retention of blood in the brain 2 days later? When she suddenly went into a deep sleep, why did it not raise the awareness of the doctor that something was wrong? She certainly did not look like she was going to die on the 1st day of admission, and the doctor was still advising on how she would get better after monitoring her condition? Was there nothing the doctor could do other than monitoring? Moral of story, if you want to live longer, do not go to hospital N.
Over 200 or more family and friends visited her wake during the short 3 days, and many were from Tzu Chi, the organisation where she has devoted her life, yes, pratically her life, to it, until the last minute. She has scrimped and saved, and left her wealth to the foundation to help those in need, which is in excess of $100k. She was a simple and humble woman, with nothing but a kind heart, but she had not enjoy much in her lifetime. Over the past years, she has helped to raise funds, and personally helped during Cyclone Nargis, Tsunami in Phuket, Sichuan Earthquake and the latest Taiwan disaster, to name a few of those that she has rendered her energy in.
Mdm Lee Siew Leh, Big sister, also my big aunt, will always be live on in my memory. According to my dad, her younger brother, she has sponsored part of my education and had wanted to take me in as her god son, if not for my dad's foul temper. What a pity. I also regret not doing much for her in this lifetime. What I learnt from all these, is to appreciate what my parents have done for me, when they are still alive, and not just mourn when they are gone.
What I disagreed and did not understand was the way she was treatedby her daugher before she was dead, and even when she was already dead.While hundreds of many others were chanting prayers for her to be reincarnated earlier, her daughter just sat by and did not join in, due to difference in religious beliefs. Why can't a Christian pay respect to her parents? While there is already no burning of incense and joss paper and monks chanting, why can't you sit in for the ceremony, at least sitting there with respect for your mum who have raised you for the past 30 plus years. I do believe and only believe in one thing: Religions work towards to goodness of all mankind, and whatever religion you are in, you should respect that of the others. Furthermore, we are talking about respecting a DEAD person's religion, and she was your kin.
I do not have biasness against any religion, but from the many incidents that I have seen or heard, I feel that Christianity, especially the teachings from the 2 largest churches in Singapore have not been rightfully inculcated to our youths and new believers. Even if it was a malay or indian funeral, it is only right to follow their ways of paying respect to the dead. Come on, THE PERSON IS DEAD, do you think your god will denounce or kick you out from the religion, or reprimand you for paying respect to your MUM? Sorry if I sounded too harsh, but what I have said is true from what I have seen.
So I hope that whoever sees this blog, pls, I implore you to be kind to your parents and show your respects in the right manner to the dead. Thank you.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Sunday, August 2, 2009
A Simple Life
Reflecting on the past 26 years, I was born as a cute, little baby, so carefree, with nothing to worry, and then as we grow up and being influenced by our surroundings, and people, we experience the feelings of happiness, sadness, pain, troubled, boredom, excitement etc. But as we grow, it seems like we are forgetting how to be happy again. Many a times, we spend time feeling sad over trivial matters. The older we grow, the more pain, and sadness we go through, and as we experience, we grow in maturity. But, can't we grow up happily? What is making us feel so unhappy? The growing responsibilities that we have, or the greed that arises within us?
We yearn for better things in life to make us enjoy them, but in the process of getting all these, are we losing out on something? When we are still young studying in school, we fret over failures in exams, and we feel that studies is so so so difficult, and would rather come out earning money. When we grow up, we hope so so so much that we can lead the lives of a kid again. How I envy my nephew and my students...
As we grow up further, we get bothered about relationships, between our parents, between boy/girl friends, and friends around us. We blame our parents for not understanding us, but did we understand them in the 1st place? We blame him or her not caring enough for us, but did we give out as much as they did? We blame our friends for not treating us as important, but are they in our priority in the 1st place? Then, we go through breakups, go through quarrels with our parents, go through fights and power struggles with our friends, and make ourselves so unhappy. Why can't life be simple?
And then, when you grow up even more, to step into the society of work, you finally feel so excited being able to step into society to earn your 1st bag of gold. But to your great disappointment, you find that it is nothing but a scam. You work your life off, always trying to meet deadlines, and then you have less time for people who care for you, and have less time for YOURSELF.. Then you start to worry about 1001 things around you, your financial status, your family, your job, your students, and many more. Yet, at the same time, people around you also start worrying about you when you do not get yourself attached to a girlfriend or boyfriend.
We see lesser smiles, and even if we see, it is either a tired or weak smile, or a fake smile, especially in a metropolitan city like Singapore.. You seldom see warm and sincere smiles anymore. So, why can't life be simple?
I like to go to Cambodia, and South East Asian countries, where people lead a more simple life.. I see smiles and laughters, i see people who are very simple, and not scheming, I see people leading carefree lives... Can I be like them soon?
As I look on, I realize that these are inevitable, and of course, I do realize that some things in life are more appreciated after you visit other countries, after you see people who do not have the same privileges as you do, you feel that you are still more fortunate though not as happy. Hence I can conclude that as your quality of life increases, your unhappiness grows too, yet as your age grows, if you can still maintain a simple lifestyle, then you might feel happier this way. Of course, your outlook in life is still very important. If money is very important to you, then happiness probably would not be a permanent word in your life, unless you have countless money.
To my students, I am actually very happy when I am able to see all of you in class everyday, but the little insensible things that you do hurts me, like fighting in class, skipping school, scolding vulgarities, and not doing the work you should have done, makes me upset. I do hope that with you guys around, you can try to make me happier, by being really good kids.. especially 2F... You know who you are.. Love you all.. Let's make life simpler, shall we?
Enough blabbering.. let's take a look at 2 photos of my nephew.

Sunday, June 21, 2009
Back from Holidays.
Now, together with my 4 other companions, Bro CJ and Suanhui, Sis Jiayin and Duck, we embarked on a trip that really got us high, and there were many memorable moments, including those where we took so many jump shots! Nothing speaks better than photos, and look at my facebook and you would have realized the amount of fun that we had.. Home-cooked meals, eating out in the cold in front of bypassing Angmohs, singing KTV, POSING for photos, adrenaline rides on the Superman Ride, Speeding, SPA, and of course, TABLE TENNIS after SPA!
Oh man, how cooling the weather was, winter time in Australia, oh my, to think we were supposed to drive all the way up to Melbourne, and go ski-ing there, but eventually cos of the stupid virus, we had to change our itinerary, but we got a surprise there, which happened to be the only 'high-class' apartment that we stayed in. Oh my, AUSTRALIA is really expensive lar! but the seafood was cheap and good.. That was the only good thing! Bought chocolates for my students, and burnt a hole in my pocket..
Oh oh, holidays ending soon, and new stuff coming up.. So many things breathing down my neck and I don't know if I can handle it well man, especially the Cambodia trip, seems like the virus is hindling my advancement.. hmm.. shall see how I can handle it.. Oh how i yearn for the next holiday to come, haha, but before that, I shall strive forward to getting my students to work harder and also to help them achieve better results!
Ok, there is another thing tingling in my heart for a long time.. During my trip, I begin to miss people, students, family, and her.. Uncertainties start to arise when my thoughts start running wild, but nevertheless, these are all what I have anticipated. The feeling of being lost, being so uncertain of myself, has not been there for quite some time, and now it has returned to haunt me.. It always happens after my trip overseas, but this time round, it doesn't occur because of the trip, but because of a person. Hmm, seems like I have to re-evaluate my ability to handle this feeling of lost.. Looking through her photos, make me feel ____..shall not elaborate.. Her smile, still as captivating as ever. One thing I know for sure, is time will not close up this feeling of lost, but hopefully work will. I think I will be drowned by work, before I know how I feel, in at least the next 1 month.
Well, these few days, some bad news, H1N1 getting worse by the day in Singapore, and school may be closed and E-learning might be activated. I booked 2 times for my class chalet, and both times, they have to shut down for quaratining purposes. So upsetting and disappointing for my dear students. So, in view of the fact that there are already 2 secondary school students who got the virus while attending some social functions, I decided to book just a BBQ for the students, and having just one day of fun, at West Coast park.. nearer, and lesser people, hence lesser risk! Hope my students will understand my difficulties. We shall have the chalet in November ok?
Sunday, April 26, 2009
To my 2F Class
Though you were at fault, and I am very against your irresponsible actions, yet I do not think that it should be totally your fault. I will try to let your voices be heard and see if things can be changed further.
But nevertheless, you are all grown ups, and should be responsible for all your actions. Imagine this, if you should choose to beat someone up, then you have to bear the consequences when he is badly injured, or you may be hurt in the process too. The Indian Rojak uncle, though was not around when the poisoning incident happened, yet he had to take up the responsibility to face the charges, as he is the owner. Just like, when I am your form teacher, and you act in this manner, I take it that I am not good enough, because I have failed to discipline all of you. I look forward to our class chalet, and I take this chance to urge all of you not to misbehave again, if not, I would have to seriously consider putting in so much efforts for all of you.
All of you are my beloved students, and I treat you like my little brothers and sisters, so I will feel upset if you all misbehave.. Pls take this chance to reflect upon your actions. I know it may be just a moment of spur that you acted in this manner, a moment of mischievous, but now this moment is gone, I hope that you will be able to be the bestest 2F which all teachers praise again.
My challenge to you: Can you do it, 2F? Tag and let me know. Thanks
Signed off: 10.22pm April 26 09
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Planned trips for 2009
But of course Australia would be shortly after my 5th Bangkok trip. This would be the 2nd trip with my Secondary school friends! The 1st was also to Bangkok, and that dated back to 2003! My god, how time flies. So treasure your secondary school friends, people..
Well, it is time to take a break man.. But much more coming up! I should be bound for Cambodia for a 15 day project, if nothing goes wrong, but it is only open to the Sec 3 students, and I will be taking only a maximum of 20 students over.. Not my 1st Youth Expedition Project (YEP), but still excited at the thought of embarking on a life changing trip, not for me of course, but who knows.. We are all learning in any phase in life. So, Siem Reap and Phomn Penn, here I come again, 6th time and counting.. So anyone who needs an itinerary for a short break in these countries, feel free to come to me, and I can try to get you good deals for a great itinerary.
Travelling makes you look forward to completing all your work.. A real good destressing agent.. haha..
A touching Link (Pls Click and View)
Make a difference. Take the 1st step to make a difference to someone else's life..
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
我希望大家都能像今天那么专注地对待你们的作文,实用文,理解问答,及每一份功课,因为我们只有一年的时间,就要面对恐怖的会考了。哎呀,其实也没那么恐怖啦!只要你们肯去背一些好词好句,慢慢累积你们的词库,绝对能够达到目标的。美琪在她的博客中提到,人因梦想而伟大,我真的希望你们能够加油一点,下多一点努力,用功一点,朝向我们的A1 梦想前进!
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Cheer Chen Concert (3Cs)
Super happy, and the atmosphere was great.. 5 encores..and she appeared so near us, but too bad my stupid battery had to go out at that time.. Angry..To me, she has one of the best voices around, and why she is my favourite female singer, other than her mesmerizing voice, she is super talented.. From composing, to singing, to musical instruments, she is well versed in all, just like a 3 in 1 singing talent.. She can rock, and she can soothe your heart with her voice.. Try and listen to her songs in the playlist and you will know, especially on a quiet night, void of any other noise. In any other concerts, you seldom get that kind of silence, as you sit there listening intently to her voice.. When she rocks, the crowd rocks together.. She holds her concerts every 2 years..and I will be waiting to see her again!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Monday, March 30, 2009
Getting a new toy
I would be getting my toy this saturday. A red one, and an expensive one. It was not an easy decision, and in fact, this decision has added on to my misery over the past weekend. Ok, it was partially my fault, that I did not discuss with them, before making the decision to get this toy. But, it was also because I knew their response, so decided to go on, before telling them. I knew that if I had told them beforehand, the deal would have fell through. Anyway, I had not much time then to inform them about my decision, since it had to be decided on the spot. So, I only hope that my parents can understand the fact that I can make my own decisions, and that they can respect my decision made. People tend to view others negatively in society, so why can't we take on a more positive view on others and encourage them, instead of just splashing cold water at them?
Some decisions take only a while to make, while other decisions take some time to realize, what makes them different, is the person making it. When you make a wise decision, others applaud your choice, when you make a bad one, they scold or jeer at you. BUT, some decisions take time to realize if it is a wise one, are you the one who is willing to stay and wait for the outcome, or are you the one who discourages at the beginning? If people made bad decisions, they have to learn from it, since life is like a box of chocolates, and you will not know until you open it. So learn and live fruitfully!
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Relationships.. Love is Blind, or not?
This is dedicated to you, bro. I am going to talk about my bro's relationship. We met in Project Angel 8 and have since been great friends, and even went on to lead Project Angel 10. Now my bro got to know this gal and fell in love with her.. They have been through much pains before they were finally together, but with my bro bearing more of the pain. Why was this so? Cos love is blind, and I applaud what he has shown me: That, love is also unconditional and not wanting to ask for anything in return. Apparently, his gf have had another bf before him, whom she has loved very much, and she still could not forget this guy. Hence for most of the time, she has been comparing my bro and some guys with her ex bf. After around a year of courtship, they were finally together, and during these period of times, I have heard him say how much he has to devote to pacify and give in to his gf, and I am really proud of him. Such man are rare. Yet this relationship has not been that smooth sailing. Of course they have had their quarrels, and their memorable times, but it seems like it is on his part that he is trying to maintain this relationship, and as much as he wants the relationship to bear fruits, he cannot force it to happen overnight. Like what people says, it takes time to heal. Sometimes, he tells me that he has found it hard to accept the fact that they may break up one day, but he does not mind, and is willing to hold on to it with faith and dedication, cos LOVE NEED NOT BE RECIPROCATED, or love is blind again.
That is why I have a belief, a firm belief that in 90% of breakups/divorces, guys are the ones who initiate it, or are in the wrong. That is because I have heard so many stories from my female friends around me, and most of them have shown evidences that men are the real culprits of breakups, that I tell myself, I must be one of the 10%, whom even if we were to break up, then it must not be something that I have done to hurt her, and she would be initiating it. I find that responsibility is very important in a relationship...
I think I can write a story book on how my female friends have suffered.. Let me recall some of them: Jac, GL, Lay, Jy and many many more..
Finally, this is dedicated to her. Well, I have always thought that what happened to my bro will not happen to me, but funnily enough, heaven always has a way to make fun of you. Recently, I got to know someone, and to me, she is really special, in her own way. Some may find her irritating, or even too noisy, but I realized that after so many years of searching, I thought that I have finally found someone that I can proudly say that I love, but then, sometimes, by a stroke of fate, it so happened that she also had an ex-boyfriend whom she still deeply loves. I do not know if they will ever have another chance of getting together again, because if she does, I will be happy for her, and hopes that this guy do not break her heart again. I think there might not be a possibility of them getting together again, but if she still has someone in her heart, then when will this car drive out of her garage? I do not have an answer, neither does she.
I asked another friend today for advice. She has been with this guy for around 7 years, and cos they have been apart for quite some time, they have drifted apart, and she couldn't really let go, when she had to end this 7 year relationship, due to the bf's change of heart. Though they are stil friends who still meet up, but it took her around 2 years to put down this burden, and to accept another guy, coincidentally, by the same name. She told me that at the end of the day, it is just "执着", or stubborness... That was her 1st boyfriend. She said that love wounds take time to heal, and being the 1st boyfriend has also made it more difficult to let it go just like this. She said that if she has learnt to let it go earlier, it would have been better for her. Now she is happily dating this guy, and they are quite compatible..
So, I ask myself, how much time am I willing to let her heal her wounds.. How would she be able to put down the past, and say that it is time to move on in life? I find it a pity that I can't be that 1st person who occupies her heart, and I know that there will always be that small space in her heart dedicated to this man who have hurt her before. But, I do not know if I would be given a chance to even try to move into her heart. A lost love is irreplaceable, especially when it has been so 刻骨铭心, but if she doesn't let go, then I can only be parking outside her house... Well, I can wait, but I do not have much time, cos of circumstances. Whenever I think of it, I find it hard to breathe..and it seems like there is something nudging my heart.. Hope this feeling passes soon.
I just need a chance.. Will I get a chance? hmm..
I watched a movie with 2 Sec 4 male students yesterday, and I found out that one of them was in love. (Just happened that I saw them there and decided to catch a movie) I congratulated him, and asked him to continue to work hard in his studies. I also told him that I was rejected, and he actually used a chinese idiom to encourage me not to give up, and for that, I thank him. I also offered him an advice, asking him not to treat a relationship as a game, and that he must not be the guy who breaks her heart..
I guess I have written too long, far too long.. 4am in the morn..Love is blind, isn't it? Bro, I will do what is needed, and hopefully, both of us can succeed in getting our halves..
Just an update: I participated in a bowling competition today, and it was a great bowl, 2 games, I got 173, and 211.. and got the best bowler award.. Soo happy.. but, if she was there... Good Night.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Reflections from Class Chalet
Throughout this 2 days 1 night stay, I realized a few things about my class:
1. They like to form cliques, and it will be difficult to break them up to cooperate together. But when there are mass activities, they will still come together..
2. My Malay kids are more sensible than the Chinese Kids, through several observations..They would automatically clear up the rubbish, sms me to let me know that they want to thank me for this outing, and volunteer themselves at times. My Chinese Kids will give me a very unwilling face, whenever I get them to do things, and this upsets me to see that they do not know what it means by personal respoinsibility.
3. Boys are generally less lovely as girls, in terms of their behaviour and acts, but I still love them all.
4. They love BBQ, but I did not have the time to arrange for them..Sorry for that, will keep that in mind.
5. They are self initiated to bring their own games and stuff as long as it can satisfy their gaming needs.
6. They are generally rich nowadays, and many bring along their PSPs.
7. They can be well disciplined kids, and I hope that they can unite more as a class.
8. They have an appetite bigger than a lion, especially the guys.
Now, organising this chalet was not easy, and a pity that some of the gals could not join due to girl guides camp, and during the holidays, there will surely be clashes with remedials and school CCA camps, so luckily the turnout was good, with around 36 of us there. Coordinating and bringing them there proved to be a challenge, as we took the public transport, but I am glad that all went well. We went to the beach and had a great time there, playing soccer, cycling, playing in the sea, and taking photos. I think we should have a games IC to coordinate the games.. Then we went to have lunch at the Changi Village Hawker centre, and some of them were sun burnt, so all of us looked red and dark when we reached the chalet eventually. After check in, they proceeded to play their games, bathe, and I was doing meetings with some of my students, and time passed quickly. Then, we had pizza as dinner, but things did not turn out as well, as some of them did not get to eat enough and went hungry. So in the end, they had to order Mac, and I went to get some cup noodles and stuff for them. We had some fun playing the card game 99, through the night, and then, I really couldn't take it as we all collapsed for the night.. but some of them were still as active as ever.. Kids are still kids.. haha.. Eventually, we woke up the next morning, cleaned up, asked for their feedbacks, and checked out of the chalet, only to find that one of the knives were missing, and we had to pay for them.
I got some detailed feedbacks from the gals, but it was so obvious that some of the guys were trying to "entertain" me, when they only wrote 1-2 simple words, and 1 even needed to copy from his friend. Just so disappointing when you try to put in effort to get the best for them, yet they do not appreciate your efforts. I do hope to book at least 3 days 2 nights for the next chalet, and hopefully everyone can turn up for that, and more activities will be planned for that..
If and only if, they can show me that they deserve to have the next chalet out! What do you think, 2F? Do you think you can show me better results and behaviour in term 2? I believe in you, but do you believe in yourself?
Pictures are available in Facebook, can someone create a 2F facebook account, and I can share the photos.. Tks.
Part 1:
Part 2:
Thursday, March 12, 2009
2009 年伟源中学博客比赛
一年一度的校内博客比赛(Blog Competition)又来了。在这个新的一年里,我们希望看到各位同学展现出一些新的作品、新的创意。以下是比赛的资料与详情。
1. 比赛开放给中一至中三学生,每一班参加人数不限。
2. 每位学生必须把网址于3月13日之前,呈交给老师。
3. 这次的主题是“学校生活”,学生可以写关于他的同学、课外活动、考试、班上状况,也可以写校外与同学的聚会、班上聚会等。
4. 学生必须在每个星期上载一篇不少于200字的作品,字数没有上限。
5. 学生可以上载图片、录像、每周笑话、歌曲、播客(Podcast)等有趣的元素,这些额外的元素将可让你加分!
6. 博客设计必须美观,分数将计算于评分标准中。
7. 博客、播客等只能以华语来进行创作,不能用英语。
8. 若能坚持博客内的字句没有错别字,将能提高获奖机会。
9. 博客中不可有侮辱性文字、或涉及宗教信仰、色情等言论。
冠军、亚军、季军、安慰奖,最佳单篇创作 (Best Single Entry)、最佳封面设计。
以下是老师去年买来奖励学生的Crumpler 书包。其中,我会拿两个出来当成首二名的奖品。全都是新的哦!第一与第二名可以从四个当中各选一个!
乱,这个字,是我经常会表现出来的一种形态。我会不照规矩做事,也就是乱做,但每次都会有意想不到的结果。我喜欢乱讲,所以能够逗人笑,但也因为这张口而让人难受,因为我喜欢乱‘酸’人。我的穿着有时也有些乱,因为我不注重打扮。我更喜欢乱吃东西,不论是中西和并,马来、印度等,我都不会拒绝。但是,你知道我最乱的是什麽吗?那就是,我的字体。你只要问我的老师,他们会说:“如果你的字写的美一些,可能就会拿A1了!”如果你问我的学生,他们会说:“老师,你的字体怎么歪一边呢?” 气死我了!!
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Once in a long time...
Well, it has been a month since I last posted something..Just went for a course for the past 3 days, and it was quite a good break from normal routine in school where you have to face the piles of work everyday. But I actually marked 4 classes of exam scripts within the 2 and half day. It seems like teaching is a 24/7 job, never really able to take a break until the 1 month school holidays at the end of year, and even then, you have to prepare for the next year..And you have to face your students and make sure they return home more fulfilling than before with more knowledge. Frankly speaking, I love my form class.. Ladies, forever so obedient, but lately proving to pose some challenging problems to me and it really requires some cracking of brains to solve this episode; and Gentlemen, still acting like boys, sometimes unable to contain their anger, noise and laughters, but I believe it will be soon, before they transform into real men. But deep down in my heart, I hope that they will grow up to be great kids, and not the young tyrants in the upper sec classes, always full of vulgarities and can't control their emotions when dealing with matters.. Academics is important, but knowing how to act like a person is more important. 有句话说:“做人难,做好人更难。” How true.. How many of us actually knows how to act like a person, how to care for others.. I am trying, but not even halfway there.. More self reflection to do..
Now, recently I seem to have met someone whom I feel comfortable talking to.. But.. let's see how it goes.. Watched a few movies for the past 2 weeks.. Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Slumdog Millionaire and He is just not that into you..Going to catch Marley and me later..
Of these movies, Slumdog left the deepest impression on me. Not only in the movies, but the after effects left me wondering how many people in this world are suffering while I am typing this. For those who watched the Oscars, this movie was the biggest winner of all, bagging 8 awards and made the director a famous man overnight. As for the kids who acted in the movie, this was the 1st time they have ever stepped out of their country, and probably the only time in their lives to ever step out into a world full of strangers and temptation. Slumdogs, a term used to describe people living in slums, and living a life of poverty where issues of survival, food, hygiene are the daily problems where people has to fight against.. Although the setting of Mumbai at the beginning of the movie seemed to have taken place in more than 10 years ago, but did you ever thought of where this setting is being taken? Did you think that the director re-enacted these scenes of poverty again? Of course not! They are real and alive in our modern society now somewhere in the poorest regions around the world.
We are very fortunate to be living in Singapore, but daily, often than not, people complain about how badly they are treated in school, at their workplace, how food at the canteen sucks, how little they are paid, how they do not have aircon at home, how much homework they are given every day. Now below are some facts:
1. 97% of the world's population are poor, and only 3% are rich people.
2. 3% of the world's population own 97% of the world's wealth, so if you are aiming of becoming the 3%, good luck to you.
3. More than 70% of the world's population is living in poverty, and by that, I mean that they do not have food, shelter, clean drinking water, or daily basic necessities.
4. Education is not one of the concerns or options in these countries, because the people can't even survive the next day, why do they need knowledge? Hence these people are always exploited by the rich.
5. By definition of poor, these people do not earn more than USD$1 per day. If you have S$1.50 to spend each day, that is the amount needed to feed one family of up to 8 people per day.
Now, the list is going to be exhaustive, if I continue to write on.. Of course, what I can do, is to try to educate my students the right values, but whether it will be just a 3 minute thing, it still depends on a learning journey to a country where they can truly see for themselves what is happening there..I also learnt through these trips.. Cambodia is almost my 2nd home now.. but I still think I am not doing enough.. So maybe more people can start to stop complaining and step out to help people elsewhere, locally or overseas.. Someone asked me this question before: " There are also people who are poor in Singapore, why do you want to volunteer overseas?" To which I have no reply, probably I will start to commit my energy to help locally more..
Next, Benjamin Button is a show quite unusual and I like the way how age evolves from the opposite end of life. Life is such a funny and remarkable thing. I shall not go on talking about it. Nice show, try to catch it..
Some things bothering me these days, would of course be PA 11, and the management of the project.. These questions still linger in my heart, and I truly hope that the project will be a success and not fail the expectations of past leaders, who have hoped for a continuity in these projects...
What a long post.. I shall take a break.. Will be back for more soon..
Monday, January 26, 2009
1st Post in 2009, Happy Chinese Niu Year
During this past month, I saw diligence in some of my students when we put up the posters, classroom Chinese New Year decorations, and painting together. I enjoyed doing these, but I did not get to see the whole class in action, which was something regretful. Unity in a class is not an easy task, and as much as I hope to make them work with more effort, I do realize that individual effort from the teacher is not enough to push a whole bunch of 42 students. I hope that they will be able to understand more, and work with more love together. Special thanks to Xinni, Pecky, Eugene, some of the gals, and the 4 handsome 'hunks' for preparing the food for the class party. I really hope we can work like a big family for 2009 and progress together.
During the past few days, I have had some feelings which I felt like sharing. I was at Sheng Shiong supermarket the other day and I saw a very disturbing scene. I heard cursings coming from a plump lady, and she was swearing in Hokkien with all her might, that stopped many shoppers to take a look out of curiosity. Imagine the crowdedness of the place during CNY eve, and so many children around, and there you see this foul-mouthed lady cursing a young man and his family who is around, just because he has accidentally bumped into her and forgot to say sorry. What has happened to our gracious society? Maybe it is just a small part of our society, but does it reflect also that whatever our young children are doing, they actually follow the footsteps or copy their parents' manners and behaviour?
Few days ago, a meaningful email was sent out. It says that as teachers, we should "walk the talk", meaning that we do not just say on mouth, but we must follow up with our actions. I agree with that, and hope that I have not passed any bad habits or behaviour to my students.. Haha..
Then I watched the movie "幸福万岁", and I must say that Jack Neo's movies are really getting more educational. As compared to his last production "钱不够用2" , I find that this production pales in comparison, but he doesn't fail to amuse his audience with the tinge of sarcasm well blended with humour. In fact, it brought out some of the things that is so real in society. The essence of this movie would be in summary "Is love = Sex ?"
Revolving around 3 main male leads, this show brings out the psychological and sexual aspects of all men and women. It is so real that while I was watching it, it dawned on me that whatever is happening in the show, is what young teenagers are doing to their friends nowadays, taking videos and putting them on youtube, unaware of the dangers, consequences and effects that it will bring upon those affected. While others are laughing away at some of the scenes elsewhere, I could not stop to think how useful it would be if I can show the movie to my students. This movie is classified NC16, and if not for part of its content, I am sure it would be a very educational movie for the students. At least they can understand how self taken videos can be harmful at times. Well, like most movies, this has a happy ending, and of course, it has set me thinking about the power of media and how it has affected this new generation of young people.
I strongly believe that the power of media is so great that all of us in Singapore should work towards the well being of our young generation by inculcating the right values to them, especially the media. Sloppy and slipshod scripts with scenes which portrays sex and violence has been some of the centre of attraction of some serial dramas, and this kind of irresponsible productions have deeply affected the behaviour of many others and they are copying what is shown on TV. I do believe that responsible script writing should not only focus on getting their audiences, but they should focus on how to spread the right values through their shows. That is also one reason that I loaf watching local drama serials. Hopefully things get better.
Well, 2009 is a very very very busy year for me. Other than my normal school workload, i would also need to handle students' assignments, committee stuff, Department stuff, and ..... So I hope that all will go well, I can have more time to plan my lessons, to teach better, and students will hand in their quality assignments on time, and I can probably not be so lonely anymore. Haha.. Well, these are my 2009 resolutions, and hopefully it gets done by the end of the year! Yay..